Mrs. Sakina Khatun
Assistant Professor
Mrs. Sakina Khatun is an Assistant Professor of Law in S.I.P.E Law College. She has been teaching law and engaged in various other courses in USLR, USTM from the year 2018-2023 to both B.A.LL.B & LL.M Students. She is currently teaching in S.I.P.E Law College. She was awarded with the Faculty Researcher of the Month in June,2022.She has been the Exam Co-ordinator for USLR,USTM in 2021.She also has been the “Legal Aid In-Charge”of the Legal Aid Cell in USLR, USTM and Co-ordinator of the Alumni Group of USLR,USTM, namely ‘Vatsalya’.She has been actively engaged as the Editor of the Newsletter of USLR,” The Legal Renaissance”.
In S.I.P.E Law College, she is engaged as Assistant Professor for various Under Graduate level subjects. She is even co- ordinating the Facebook page of S.I.P.E law College, “SIPE LEGAL FORUM”. She has guided the Internship Report regarding … to the students. She has even attended the meeting regarding the framework of syllabus for the three New Criminal Laws in Dibrugarh University.
Professional Credentials
- LL.M – NERIM (Dibrugarh University)
education background
- Criminal Laws (Procedural laws)
- Labour Law
- Forensic Science Law
Publications/Seminars/Conclave/Book Chapter/FDP
- Paper presentation for a National Seminar on “Child Rights in India: Issues and Challenges,2019 sponsored by ICSSR.
- She has published paper on the topic “Human Rights and Gender Justice: Issues, Perspective & challenges”, 2019 in a National Seminar organised by ICSSR.
- She has attended a Conclave on IPR On the topic “Importance of Intellectual Property Rights” organised by IPR Cell, USTM,2019.
- She has participated in the National Seminar for Skill Development on “Human Rights in Contemporary Era” organized by USLR, USTM in collaboration with Gujarat University in 2022.
- She has even done a Value -added Course on “Criminal Litigation and Trial Advocacy” held in USTM,2022.
- She has published a paper on the topic ‘Protection of Child Rights under Criminal Justice System of India with special reference to the Juvenile Justice System.
- She has published paper on the topic “Gender Equality and Workplace in India: An Analysis”.
- She has contributed a Chapter for the book “Women of North East India: their folkore and folk life”- The Role of Assam Women Weavers: An Analysis.
- She has successfully completed 7 days FDP on “Globalization and IPRs : Why should IPR be protected “,2024,organized by Global Research Foundation, NCR, Delhi.
- She has successfully completed 7 days FDP on “Techniques and Methodology of Research for Social Sciences organized by Dr. Rohini Kanta Barua Law College, Dibrugarh; Nowgaon Law College, Nagaon, Assam and Kokrajhar Law College, Kokrajhar, Assam,2023.
- She has completed the 7 days FDP on Empowering Innovation: Advancing Knowledge and practices in Intellectual Property Rights organised by School of Legal Jurisprudence Studies, Department of Law, Central University of Karnataka,2025.