- A student shall be required to appear in all the papers in a course.
- There shall be continuous evaluation of the students through in-semester assessment and end-semester examinations.
- Assignments, presentations, group discussions and seminars shall be held for internal assessment of the students.
- Each paper (except clinical and dissertation) shall consist of 100 marks of which 20 marks is allotted for internal assessment and the remaining 80 marks is allotted for end-semester examination to be conducted by Dibrugarh University.
- All examination for undergraduate courses are conducted as per the DU EXAMINATION ordinance and regulations for B.A./BB.A. Programmes.
- If a student fails to attend at least 70% of the total classes held in any subject, he/she shall be declared as discollegiate and shall not be allowed to appear in the end-semester examination in the said course.
- Under special circumstances ( NCC, Medical Problem, Sports, etc.) a relaxation of 5% attendance may be allowed.
- If a student fails to attend classes for 15 days at a stretch from the date of commencement of classes without valid reasons his/her name shall be struck off from the register.
Academic Session
- The Academic Session of the odd semesters will commence from 1st August, while the classes of the even semesters will commence from the 1st February of every calendar year.
- Each class shall be of 1 hour duration with a maximum of 6 periods a day.
- The class timings shall be from 09.30 AM to 03.30PM with one-hour.
Admit Card for Examinations
- Students should collect their Admit Cards personally from the office before the commencement of the examination. Admit Cards will not be dispatched to candidates in order to avoid loss/damage during transit.