Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Norms for Students

All the 5-year Integrated LL.B. Courses in the college are full time. Students cannot take any other full time course simultaneously. Violation of this provision will lead to disciplinary action/expulsion.

  1. Students are responsible for their conduct within the College campus as well as Students should not indulge in any behavior or activity which will or may bring disrepute to the College.
  2. Students shall take proper care of the college property, furniture and premises. Students must not cause any damage or tamper with the college property.
  3. Students shall conduct themselves in a polite manner both towards the member’s of the staff (Administrative and Teaching) and towards their fellow students.
  4. Students shall maintain silence in classrooms and desist from demonstration and disorderly behaviour.
  5. Ragging in any form in the college is strictly prohibited and any student found indulging in such activity shall be handed over to police custody. All students (also parents/guardians) will have to submit an Affidavit in the prescribed format (format to be issued during admission) that they (their ward/son/daughter) will not indulge in any activity which constitutes ragging.
  6. No clubs, society or like groups can be formed in the College without the permission of the Principal nor shall any person be invited to address a meeting without the prior permission of the College authority.
  7. Students shall not bring into the College campus any article which is dangerous and/or creates disruptive influence on the academic

Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the Class Room and Examination hall.