How to Apply

Admission Procedures and Requirements To Under Graduate Programmes

Application for admission to the graduate programmes is invited usually in the month of May/June. Candidates are to apply in prescribed form only. Application form along with the prospectus can be obtained from the office on payment of 200/- in cash.

The application must be accompanied by attested xerox copies of the testimonials listed below :-

  • Attested copy of the H.S.L.C. Examination Registration Card, Admit Card, Marksheet, Pas.s Certificate.
  • Attested copy of the AHSEC (10+2) Examination Admit Card, Marksheet, Pass Certificate.
  • Two copies of recent passport size photograph of the candidate.
  • Caste certificate of the candidate.
  • Migration Certificate (for students from other states or boards except AHSEC).

Candidates must bring all the original documents for verification at the time of admission.